Strengthening Refugee and Immigrant Women and Girls’ Safety Project
Tadwein Center for Gender Studies implemented an evidence-based pilot project titled “Strengthening Refugee and Immigrant Women and Girls’ Safety”. The project was implemented from October 2023 to January 2024 in 4 host communities in three areas in Greater Cairo (Haram, Fisal, and 6th of October). The main goal of the project is to address gender disparities and empower both refugee and host communities, thereby reducing vulnerabilities to Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
The project involved a multifaceted intervention, including GBV awareness sessions, psychosocial support, community organizations and community champions capacity building sessions, health caravans, and development and distribution of educational materials (booklets and copybooks) on early marriage and Female Genital Mutilations (FGM) and school bags.
Project Results
- Capacity of 15 Community Champions from the target community were developed. Trainings were held on leadership, GBV and psychosocial support and others on communication skills for behavioral and social change.
- 80 GBV Awareness Sessions reaching 2000 community members (mainly refugees from Sudan, Syria and Yemen) were conducted.
- Five health caravans targeting 1.500 women, men, and children were conducted in the target communities. The caravan included diverse activities such as awareness sessions, public lectures, children’s activities, medical examinations, an MOH mobile clinic, and a bazaar.
- Educational Material has been developed: Two educational booklets, titled “I am still a child” and “FGM is a crime”, and 10 copybooks on FGM and Child Marriage were developed and around 36,000 copies of them were distributed to targeted community members, along with 6000 school bags.
- Audio-visual production: Over the course of the project, a documentary film was developed featuring the journey of one of the project’s community champions. Another animated film was developed, narrating a GBV-incident experienced by one of the project’s beneficiaries in Sudan during the conflict.
- Social Media Campaigns: Two impactful social media campaigns were developed and shared on Tadwein’s social media platforms. The campaigns aimed at introducing the project’s approach, activities and messages to a wider audience while highlighting the hardships faced by Sudanese refugees in Egypt and well as issues of GBV which they faced during the conflict and/or during their journey from Sudan to Egypt.