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14 شارع الجولف ، سرايات المعادي


Category: Projects

Ending Violence Against Girls and WomenProjects

Strengthening Refugee and Immigrant Women and Girls’ Safety Project

Tadwein Center for Gender Studies implemented an evidence-based pilot project titled “Strengthening Refugee and Immigrant Women and Girls’ Safety”. The project was implemented from October 2023 to January 2024 in 4 host communities in three areas in Greater Cairo (Haram, Fisal, and 6th of October). The main goal of the project is to address gender disparities and empower both refugee and host communities, thereby reducing vulnerabilities to Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

The project involved a multifaceted intervention, including GBV awareness sessions, psychosocial support, community organizations and community champions capacity building sessions, health caravans, and development and distribution of educational materials (booklets and copybooks) on early marriage and Female Genital Mutilations (FGM) and school bags.

Project Results

  • Capacity of 15 Community Champions from the target community were developed. Trainings were held on leadership, GBV and psychosocial support and others on communication skills for behavioral and social change.


  • 80 GBV Awareness Sessions reaching 2000 community members (mainly refugees from Sudan, Syria and Yemen) were conducted.


  • Five health caravans targeting 1.500 women, men, and children were conducted in the target communities. The caravan included diverse activities such as awareness sessions, public lectures, children’s activities, medical examinations, an MOH mobile clinic, and a bazaar.


  • Educational Material has been developed: Two educational booklets, titled “I am still a child” and “FGM is a crime”, and 10 copybooks on FGM and Child Marriage were developed and around 36,000 copies of them were distributed to targeted community members, along with 6000 school bags.



  • Audio-visual production: Over the course of the project, a documentary film was developed featuring the journey of one of the project’s community champions. Another animated film was developed, narrating a GBV-incident experienced by one of the project’s beneficiaries in Sudan during the conflict.


  • Social Media Campaigns: Two impactful social media campaigns were developed and shared on Tadwein’s social media platforms. The campaigns aimed at introducing the project’s approach, activities and messages to a wider audience while highlighting the hardships faced by Sudanese refugees in Egypt and well as issues of GBV which they faced during the conflict and/or during their journey from Sudan to Egypt.



“The Feminist Fabric” Project

In March 2023, Tadwein for Gender Studies, in collaboration with The Civil Society in Development (CISU) have launched a new project under the name of “The Feminist Fabric”. The Project aims to combat Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Egypt by creating a strong female-based network of local feminist initiatives in 8 Egyptian governorates and offering support to them.

The aims of the project;

  1. Empowering Feminist initiatives in Egypt to become sustainable structures/bodies capable of combating GBV in Egypt.
  2. Developing and implementing a wholistic strategy for all feminist initiatives in the chosen governorates.
  3. Enhancing the ability of feminist initiatives to better advocate for an end to GBV in Egypt.
  4. Mobilizing and localizing various efforts between the different parties to advocate for policy change at the local level.                                                                                                                                                    The Project includes various activities, including:                                                                                             
    • Workshops
    • Field visits
    • Coaching
    • Round Table Discussions
    • Advocacy Campaigns 
What`s newأخبارنا


Tadwein Center for Gender Studies in collaboration with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation is implementing a two years project titled “El-Madrasa” (2021-2023). The main aim of the project is to create an active social movement to end broad societal acceptance of various forms of violence against women, through the establishment of unorganized networks of young women and men in various Egyptian governorates. The project targets different segments of society, with a special focus on young people. The activities of the project include:

Harmful Traditional Practices

The Impact of Child Marriage on Young Egyptian Girls

Tadwein has worked on this project from mid-2019 to mid-2020. Tadwein is implementing this project to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of early/child marriage on the lives of women in urban greater Cairo and rural areas in Fayoum.

Women, Media and Technology

Basis and Principles of Gender Sensitive Journalism

Tadwein for Gender Studies in collaboration has organized a series of training workshops with the aim of raising the awareness of journalists and media personnel about gender-sensitive press coverage. Roundtable discussions were also conducted with journalists to discuss issues such as sexual harassment in the workplace.

Gender Sensitization among Young People in Egypt

In an attempt to contribute to the efforts on eliminating gender-based violence in Egypt, Tadwein for Gender Studies implemented a 2 phased project targeting 9 governorates. The project aimed to sensitize young adolescents in targeted governorates about the concept of gender and gender related issues.

Ending Violence Against Girls and Women

Gender Representation in Egyptian Drama (Mirayat)

Tadwein conducted a research project that aims to examine and analyze gendered images in Egyptian drama and their effects in shaping and reinforcing gender stereotypes and discourses. This project was a collaborative work with Herdo organization and W laha Wogouh Okhra online platform.

Violence among the Youth in Urban Poor Greater Cairo

This research project aims to study violence among young people in urban poor Greater Cairo. The objectives of the study were to identify different forms of violence, determinants and consequences of violence on young people, and the different tactics young people developed to resist violence. The study was conducted in 22 poor areas within greater Cairo and targeted young people between the ages of 18 and 35 years. The findings of the study contributed to the development of several policy papers and IEC materials. A dissemination event was coordinated to display the results related to the issue of female genital mutilation in Egypt.

Women, Media and Technology

Digital Security Training

In 2017, Tadwein for Gender Studies in collaboration conducted a series of training workshops to promote women’s and girls’ digital security. These trainings targeted 150 female survivors of violence, journalists, and female activists in 15 Egyptian governorates. Tadwein’s manual on digital security was used in delivering these
The project activities included training for 150 women in 15 Egyptian governorates utilizing the training manual that Tadwein developed on methods of digital security.

Ending Violence Against Girls and WomenEnding Violence Against Girls and WomenHarmful Traditional PracticesResourcesEnding Violence Against Girls and Womenمصادر

Eliminating FGM in Egypt

Eliminating FGM in Egypt is a constant goal for Tadwein for Gender Studies. To be able to achieve this goal a number of activities are conducted or a regular basis.