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14 شارع الجولف ، سرايات المعادي


Ending Violence Against Girls and WomenPress ReleasesResources

Press Release about Launching “My Pain is Real” Campaign

Women in Egypt suffer from discrimination and gender inequality in all economic, social, and political aspects. According to the United Nations Organization for Women’s Rights (UN Women), “discrimination against women” is:

Campaigns & AdvocacyEnding Violence Against Girls and WomenWhat`s newأخبارنا

My Pain is Real Campaign

As many women in Egypt and all over the world are subjected to medical discrimination, Tadwein for Gender Studies launched a campaign #my pain is real to highlight the suffering of women in accessing health care services that are acceptable and appropriate for their diagnosis and medical condition. Discrimination against women in the medical field is due to the stereotyping of women by health service providers that they pretend to be ill, or are unable to bear the extra effort. As a result, healthcare providers sometimes misdiagnose a medical condition or a disease. 
Any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex that its effects or purposes