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14 شارع الجولف ، سرايات المعادي


Press Release about Launching “Life is a Cycle and Her Menstrual Cycle is Life” Campaign

Press Release about Launching "Life is a Cycle and Her Menstrual Cycle is Life" Campaign

Press Release

Love Matters platform together with other several feminist centers and in collaboration with Tadwein for Gender Studies and Edraak Foundation for Development & Equality are working to correct misinformation and negative concepts about women’s menstrual cycle.

Mai Jamal, Tadwein’s media spokeswoman, stated that the main goal of the campaign is to elaborate on the fact that menstruation is normal and happens to all girls and there is no shame to avoid talking about it.

Mai adds: “Not talking about the menstrual cycle causes wrong practices and catastrophic health habits that lead to long-term health problems.” She also stressed that the online campaign aims to break the traditional social “taboos” about misconceptions about the menstrual cycle and the myths that revolve around it.

May stresses that the campaign also includes an important part about the significant increase in sanitary pads price, as they should be part of the aid packages provided to poor families, refugees, and the needy in general because the price is very expensive.

Throughout the week, the campaign will publish a set of important information about menstruation, the menstrual cycle, and the health and social factors associated with them